I think Vera is very suspicious, following my comment that the most innocent die first. After Vera talked with General Macarthur she felt sorry for him so therefore she killed him with a life preserver. Also the last person who talked to Macarthur alive was Vera which made it very obvious.
If I was planning to write a mystery thriller set in a popular, location in the United states it would be at The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. I didnt choose this because Stephen King was staying there while writing "The Shining", but because there has been sitings of appirations and objects moving. This would add to the suspense of the story and creep the characters out. Or I would choose the setting at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania. This place is described as a haunted house inside of a prison. The penitentiary has been investigated by many ghost hunters and is also featured on T.V. It has ghostly appirations, mysterious lights and eerie noises. This would be great because the characters would be suspecting everybody but its actully a GHOST........ BOO!! Also it add to the suspense of the story.
If I were a ghost, I surely wouldn't come back to haunt a prison. I'd come back and haunt a 4-star luxury hotel in Hawaii, or Brad Pitt's house...