My Inspirational quoutes

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"
-Albert Einstein
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."
-Mark Twain

Friday, April 30, 2010

Pillowcases From Grandma

Yesssss! I finally found out how to solve a mystery puzzle!

After spending 10 minutes on the logic puzzle I finally solved it, this was way easier than "Buying a house" logic puzzle. The answers that I got for the logic puzzle are:

  1. Allan's topic was trucks, had a brown trim color and his birthday was in May.

  2. Elliot's topic was dinosaurs, had a yellow trim and his birthday was in January.

  3. Frank's topic was cowboys, had a blue trim and his birthday was in April.

  4. Joe's topic was dogs, had a green trim and his birthday in September.

  5. Peter's topic was hockey, had a red trim and his birthday was in March.

Hopefully my answers are correct!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Homework Assignment 9/26/10

I think Vera is very suspicious, following my comment that the most innocent die first. After Vera talked with General Macarthur she felt sorry for him so therefore she killed him with a life preserver. Also the last person who talked to Macarthur alive was Vera which made it very obvious.

If I was planning to write a mystery thriller set in a popular, location in the United states it would be at The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. I didnt choose this because Stephen King was staying there while writing "The Shining", but because there has been sitings of appirations and objects moving. This would add to the suspense of the story and creep the characters out. Or I would choose the setting at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania. This place is described as a haunted house inside of a prison. The penitentiary has been investigated by many ghost hunters and is also featured on T.V. It has ghostly appirations, mysterious lights and eerie noises. This would be great because the characters would be suspecting everybody but its actully a GHOST........ BOO!! Also it add to the suspense of the story.

April 26, Chapters 9 and 10

And Then...... John Macarthur was found dead!In chapter nine John was found dead! After Blore, Lombard, Dr. Armstrong and the rest found out that the killer was on the island in the same house as them, they grew very suspicious. If I was locked in a house with some psycho maniac than I would probably kill myself before they had the chance to kill me. The way the person is killed off is how innocent they are, if you convicted a crime on accident like Anthony Marston than you would be the one to get killed first. This happens so you wont suffer as long as the people who covicted a crime on purpose will. The bell rang for lunch and everybody gathered, except for Vera and Macarthur. Vera came running in and apologizes for being late. Miss Brent replied "You're not the last. The General isn't here yet." Then Vera said that the General was sitting by the sea. Rogers then said he will go and inform him. Barely finishing his sentence Dr. Armstrong jumped up and exclaimed I'll go! He goes and a few minutes later comes running back terrified " General Macarthur-" DEAD! After that Mr. Justice Wargrave is basically holding everybody up and seeing if they are suspicious.

In chapter ten everybody discusses and comes up with their own suspicion. Later that afternoon they gather for dinner in the drawing room. Rogers than comes running in announcing that a bathroom curtain made of scarlet oilsilk has gone missing. After that everybody felt nervous again, they returned to their rooms locking the doors behind them. Except for Mr. Rogers who remains downstairs and locks the dining-room door.